Mile's Commissions
Information | Order form
Status & Slots | About | Contact
Commissions are OPEN
up to 4 projects per slot
Price sheet will be updated eventually.
I'll make announcement once it's updated.
Changes will take effect once the new version is posted, current version is valid until then.
★ Commmissions Info ★
F.A.Q & T.o.S. included
Please read them carefully
✦Portfolio | Order Form | Contact ✦
For bigger, more complex, long-term projects please send an email to [email protected] with all the details, instead of filling the Order Form.
★ Status & Slots ★
1. FurbittenStudios - Done
2. SmartAlekParrot - ★★✩✩ - ✩✩✩✩
3. KaizerInRed - ✩✩✩✩
4. Sparkfox77 - ✩✩✩✩
5. Open
✩✩✩✩ - Reserved slot / Not started
★✩✩✩ - Sketching / Pending approval
★★✩✩ - LineArt / Clean up
★★★✩ - Coloring / Shading
★★★★ - Last details / Finished
★ About slots & queue ★
Number of slots may vary , I'll notify once all slots are taken once that happens I won't save/reserve any more slots and commissions will be closed, unless stated otherwise.
I can save slots for a limited time (1 month) so please be sure that you want one before asking, if you require more time please tell me, if a month has passed and I've deleted your reservation and there are available slots for you to take, then you can reserve one again.
I'll wait 2 days (48 hours) max after I've contacted you when I'm ready to work on your project(s), if I don't get an answer in that period of time I'll contact the next person on the list. You won't lose your slot, but will have to wait if I'm currently working on another commission.
Not first come, first served, I usually do faster projects first so I don't keep people waiting too long for projects that could be done in a couple of days, but this may change depending on the occasion, if you have a deadline please tell me.
Each group of stars (✩✩✩✩) represents a different project, you can ask for more than one project per slot. Four projects per slot max. You can reserve another slot if you want to request more than four projects and if there are available slots. Slots don't represent projects.
I take a break after getting done with each project, take this into consideration if you have a deadline.
I reserve the right to change these guidelines if necessary.
★ Contact ★
Fill the Order Form to reserve a slot
[email protected]
(E-mail preferred if it's your first time requesting)Telegram
Discord: mile08
For bigger, more complex, long-term projects please send an email to [email protected] with all the details, instead of filling the Order Form.
• Business Card •
Information | About | Status & Slots
★ You can also support my work by Buying me a Coffee! ★
♥ It's greatly appreciated! ♥